Read My Story About My Battle With The Symptoms Of Menopause And How Amberin Helped

March 13, 2011

Hello my name is Susan and thanks for stopping by little blog (I’m still learning this internet thing :-)) and reading my Amberen Review. I currently live in Mays Landing, New Jersey. I worked in the school district as a math teacher for over 23 years and I am looking to retire in the next 5 years. As you can probably tell by my picture I love my dog Drake and I have discovered first hand that pets can lower stress and increase health. In recent years have really started looking natural health and I am really into all natural cures.

My Problem With *Menopause*

When I started having early symptoms of menopause around a year ago I first noticed the big three: extreme hot flashes, chills and nausea. The temperature swings my body would go through would happen all throughout the day. I would feel a stinging sensation going down my back and neck and it would feel as though my body temperature would raise 100 degrees. It would be so embarrassing that I would literally sweat off my makeup and have noticeable wet sweat on my blouse. These hot flashes would attack me many times per day sometimes over 30 or more; what seemed like every 30 minutes. At night it would be the exact opposite (I guess this was brought on by my lack of activity) as I would have extreme chills and severe nausea. The dizzy spells would keep me up into the night and I would get little quality sleep.

I Had Reached My Limit the Symptoms of Menopause Was Driving Me Crazy

So I said to myself; “I really have to do something about the effects of menopause as this has got to stop, I can’t take this anymore” I went to my personal doctor and he prescribed a standard medication a pharmaceutical HRT to treat the effects of the menopause (the name of which I won’t say here). The medication worked initially but the side effects were horrible as I gained 20 pounds in under a month. And as any woman can agree weight gain for menopause relief is out of the question. My doctor told me that the weight gain was a normal side effect of the synthetics in the medication as it was known to slow the metabolism a bit. So from that point on I took matters into my own hands and began searching to see if there were any know natural remedies to achieve the relief I was so desperately looking for.

My Menopause Solution, How Amberen For Hot Flashes Helped Me

After the prescription HRT medication and some other cheaper generic supplements I found out about Amberin from a classmate of mine who is a RN. She was taking the same HRT but decided to come off of it due to the fact that it was not natural and had a high risk for causing cancer. I started off taking a single dose of Amberen as recommended by the instructions a noticed some relief but not as much as I would have thought. The instructions suggested that after at least 30 days if desired relief was not obtained then take double the dosage. When I did; WoW! almost right away almost all my symptoms were gone. Every now and then I still get brief hot flashes but not nearly as severe where I’m coming out of my clothes or heavy visual perspiration or anything like that.  And thank God the nausea is gone to where I can sleep at night. And secretly I actually believe that Amberen as a natural supplement has raised my metabolism where I actually lost 5 pounds in the first 30 days without any exercise. And as far as I can tell so far amberen side effects have been minimal. Now this was not cheap for me as we are talking around $99 bucks for a 3 month supply. But at this point both my husband and I think the investment is worth it.

Here Is The Best Deal I Could Find For Amberen

When I searched online I found several places where you can buy Ambren; even on Amazon but I settled for the Official Website for Amberen as it seemed to be the safest place and had the best deal.  Amberen coupons and codes are basically don’t exist but there are some pretty good deals. On the website they actually have 3 different options to fit your financial situation
1. You can try a sample for free for only shipping for $7.99 but if you don’t opt out it will auto ship and bill you anyway.
2. You can just get a 30 day supply for $49.99; problem is you need at least 90 days or more for best results.
3. I opted for the 90 day supply for $99 as it gives you an extra month for free and had the best overall value for me.

Visit the site where I Get My Amberen Here…

So if you are suffering from similar symptoms of either pre or full menopause then Amberen might help relieve some of the effects you are currently experiencing. And be sure to drop me a comment and let me know how it worked out for you.


One Response to “Read My Story About My Battle With The Symptoms Of Menopause And How Amberin Helped”

  1. Mary Says:

    Hi, Susan thanks for the great information I was wondering how Amberen works and if it might for me. I will keep you posted…

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